Wish-A-Fish Annapolis, 2007
I heard about the Wish-A-Fish Foundation last year about this time through the Tidal Fish web site. (Read about it here.) I didn't know enough to volunteer then, but this year when the call for captains came out, I jumped at the chance. The Wish-A-Fish Foundation's mission is: "to provide a little relief for a family from the daily stress of having a child with “special needs” such as a live-threatening illness, or a mental or physical disability, by taking the entire family out for a day of fun and fishing on the water."
My "family" included Camden, an 8 year old cancer survivor, and his father. His mother and brother were also there on another boat. I think there were more than 30 boats in all. After getting our gear at the headquarters at Sandy Point, we followed the rest of the fleet out to the oyster beds for some bottom fishing. Camden caught his first fish, a 6 inch spot. I had two hooks on his line and he caught a little perch at the same time. I showed him how to use the radio, and he announced to the rest of the fleet, and the world that "Camden is catching them two at a time!"
We had some fun with the little fish for a while, then I asked if they wanted to try for rockfish. Both Camden and his dad yelled a big "YES," so we turned toward my fishing hole north of the Bridge. Fortunately, there were a few fish around, and Camden landed a healthy 20 incher. I never saw a kid so proud. When we got back to the dockside picnic, he carried that fish around to show everyone. The Maryland DNR had a table set up to give the kids a certificate for their first fish. I think they were surprised when Camden told them about his rockfish. Everyone involved seemed to have a great time. I know I'm hooked on Wish-A-Fish now, and I'm sure to be doing it again next year.