Adventures in the Chesapeake

From the hills of Eastern Tennessee to the mouth of the Magothy River, a narrative about learning to live in the Upper Chesapeake Bay.

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Location: Chesapeake Bay Near Annapolis, Maryland, United States

Born and raised in East Tennessee, a bluegrass musician and sleep medicine professional who is starting new chapters of adventure on the upper western shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Busted on New Years Eve!

Well, not really, but I was boarded by the Coast Guard. I guess one of the winter trade-offs to having the best fishing spots all to myself is that I'm also the only game available for law enforcement. I saw them coming and got a quick cell phone picture, then fired it off to the boys and kept fishing. They pulled alonside and asked if I was anchored. I thought it was a dumb question since I was only about 30 yards off the rockpile at the bridge in a raging current. I told them that I was just drifting and fishing, then they asked when was the last time I was boarded. I told them that I'd been checked by DNR two days ago, but that wasn't good enough. I don't think these guys have been on the Bay too long because they wanted to jump right on, but we would've drifted into the rocks in less than 30 seconds so I asked if we could back away. They agreed and came aboard after we were clear of danger. Fire extinguisher, throw cushion, life jacket, flares, stickers, horn, registration, driver's license, oil discharge sticker, and engine compartment all checked out okay. They gave me a copy of their report with the box "No Violations" checked and told me to keep it with me and they probably wouldn't board next time. I was curious about the process so I asked a lot of questions. About that time my son Cory responded to my cell phone message with, "hope they don't find your meth lab." I couldn't keep from laughing, but thinking they might not see the humor, I quickly clicked off the phone! They left me with a cheerful, "be careful, captain," and went on to other pursuits. Despite the 20 minute delay to my fishing, I don't begrudge the boarding at all. I know those guys are just doing their job and I may need them sometime. -S

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