Adventures in the Chesapeake

From the hills of Eastern Tennessee to the mouth of the Magothy River, a narrative about learning to live in the Upper Chesapeake Bay.

My Photo
Location: Chesapeake Bay Near Annapolis, Maryland, United States

Born and raised in East Tennessee, a bluegrass musician and sleep medicine professional who is starting new chapters of adventure on the upper western shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fishing in the Fog

I left the dock today at 1:30 under clear, sunny skies. When I reached the Bay there was a thick fog bank beginning just upstream from the Bay Bridge. I plunged ahead since I've learned to navigate by GPS and compass. The problem was that I had to cross the shipping channel to reach my favorite fishing spot at the east rockpile of the bridge. Visibility at water level was about 20 yards at best. This was the first time since I've been navigating the Chesapeake that I've wished for an onboard radar. My GPS is accurate within a few feet, so it wasn't too difficult to stay just west of the channel until I reached the bridge. I slowed to an idle and waited a while, straining to see into the dense gray. That seemed futile so I turned off the motor and listened. I don't think I could've heard a ship because of the bridge traffic, but they usually sound their fog horns when approaching the bridge. I didn't hear anything, so I dashed across. The current was really ripping and as I expected, the rockfish were biting again at the rockpile. I landed at least twenty 12-15"
fish as the fog burned away into bright sunshine. -Shawn

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