Adventures in the Chesapeake

From the hills of Eastern Tennessee to the mouth of the Magothy River, a narrative about learning to live in the Upper Chesapeake Bay.

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Location: Chesapeake Bay Near Annapolis, Maryland, United States

Born and raised in East Tennessee, a bluegrass musician and sleep medicine professional who is starting new chapters of adventure on the upper western shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Rockfish with oyster sauce and german potato salad

Since I'm usually home from work before Dianne, I've taken on most of the cooking chores. I've always enjoyed cooking and I look forward to trying new ideas. Tonight, I decided it was time to start depleting some of those bags of frozen fish in the freezer. I found a couple of nice rockfish (striper) filets we caught over the summer, and thawed them for a couple of hours in cold water. I've decided that we like the taste of fish too much to marinate it in anything strong, so I put together what I thought might be an interesting oyster sauce. Here's my recipe, made up mostly on the spot with some inspiration provided by a show I once watched on the food network.

Oyster Sauce
1/2 can oyster stew
2 oz enoki mushrooms
juice of 1 lime
1 tsp horseradish
1/4 stick butter
dash of salt
sprinkle of dill
Bring oyster stew to slow boil (use at full strength, do not add water or milk), add seasonings and lower to simmer. Stir in lime juice and enoki mushrooms 5 minutes before serving.

I've tried a lot of different ways to cook rockfish. I usually just season and broil on low heat, but decided to try something different this time. I melted a stick of butter then brought it to a rolling boil. I dusted the filets with a little bit of flour before putting them in the pan. I didn't turn the fish until right before they were ready to serve, but I leaned the pan sideways over the heat and continually spooned the hot butter over the filets until they looked done. I turned them just as the flour became golden-brown. I think there's a french name for this method of cooking, but I don't remember what it's called.

I accompanied tonight's meal with a chilled german potato salad which I made with sliced potatoes, chopped onions, chopped celery, chopped dill pickles and lots of seedy brown mustard. I also chopped up a few cherry tomatoes and marinated them in balsamic vinegar and dill. Finally, I had a few left-over asparagus stalks in the fridge which I sauteed lightly in the rockfish butter. I stacked it all in the center of the plate with the potato salad on the bottom, then the rockfish, next the tomatoes, and last the asparagus. I drizzled a little of the oyster sauce on top with more around the plate. I thought it tasted pretty good and Dianne was very complimentary. -S

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