One of the first things I did when we bought the SEA RAY was get a floating key chain. I got the kind that opens so you can put your registration inside. I learned to do that as a teenager when I managed the boat dock at Fall Creek on Cherokee Lake in Tennessee. I was always dropping keys over the side, and it doesn't take too many dives into murky, 35 degree water to teach you that keys should float. Since its always good to have your registration with you on the water, the most obvious place is with the keys. That lesson-learned-the-hard-way paid off this week. Since returning from our Thanksgiving holiday, I've turned our house upside down looking for the boat keys. I haven't seen them since the storm of two weeks ago, the one that flooded our dock and yard. I've been sick, so I couldn't fish, but it was driving me nuts not to find the keys. Today, we awoke to find a message on our home voice-mail. It was from a nice-sounding lady named Joy who lived on the Pasadena side of the Magothy River. Her husband had found the keys on their beach! Apparently, they fell out of my pocket after I docked the boat a couple of weeks ago and floated the 5 miles upstream and across the river to their house. I'm very fortunate that the keys were found, especially since it was by someone who knew to open the float to find the paperwork inside, then cared enough to call us. Whew! -Shawn
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