Adventures in the Chesapeake

From the hills of Eastern Tennessee to the mouth of the Magothy River, a narrative about learning to live in the Upper Chesapeake Bay.

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Location: Chesapeake Bay Near Annapolis, Maryland, United States

Born and raised in East Tennessee, a bluegrass musician and sleep medicine professional who is starting new chapters of adventure on the upper western shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Last Harvest

Believe it or not, the weather here stays warmer longer into the Fall than it does in Tennessee. It's the way the jet stream dips into the South before it blows back up toward the Northeast. We've only had one light frost so far. We'll pay for it next Spring when it's sunny and warm in the Southeast and cold and snowy here. Today, we finally pulled up what was left of the garden, then raked and weeded the rest of the yard. For lunch we finished off the last of the vegetables. The tomatoes are small, but they still taste great! The crabs are gone now so I stacked up the traps against the fence. Even though they've moved to deeper water, they're inexpensive and plentiful at the seafood shops and restaurants. My buddy Dave suprised us with a bushel of steamed crabs at his bluegrass jam Thursday night. We spent about an hour cracking crabs before we cracked out the instruments. Just one more reason why we called it the Old Bay String Band! -S


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