It seems like it's taking Spring forever to arrive to our corner of the Mid-Atlantic. We had another weekend of ice and snow followed by two very windy days. I'm itching to get back on the water but it might not be too soon. There are small craft advisories posted for the rest of the week. I managed to get out one day last week, cruising from the Magothy up to the Patapsco River just outside of Baltimore Harbor. There is a large power plant there which discharges warm water into the river. Rockfish sometimes move into the area feeding on baitfish, which are attracted by the 60+ degree water temps. I managed a couple of small rockfish and snagged the biggest gizzard shad I've ever seen. This is the same baitfish we catch by the hundreds with throw nets to bait trotlines in the Southeast. The biggest I've seen on Cherokee Lake was about 6 inches. This one went almost 2 pounds! Folks around these parts refer to the bigger ones as "Patapsco Permit" after the ocean Permit that they somewhat resemble. They're still smelly and slimy though, Crockett would only sniff it and walk away. -S
It's that dumb blue line on yer reel!
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