Adventures in the Chesapeake

From the hills of Eastern Tennessee to the mouth of the Magothy River, a narrative about learning to live in the Upper Chesapeake Bay.

My Photo
Location: Chesapeake Bay Near Annapolis, Maryland, United States

Born and raised in East Tennessee, a bluegrass musician and sleep medicine professional who is starting new chapters of adventure on the upper western shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Return of the Ospreys

Ospreys migrate south for the winter, either to the Carribbean or South America. They mate for life and return to their same nesting sites here in the Chesapeake year after year. Most nests are on channel markers along the rivers, but they can build anywhere, I've even seen them on TV antennas. I didn't know to look for them last year, so I'm not sure when they arrived, but I can tell you exactly when they arrived this year.... today. With the warmer weather I expected them this week and was looking forward to the first sighting. When I got home from work this afternoon I heard a call and looked up to see a pair flying over. I fished for a little while tonight and watched them stake out their perches at the mouth of the Magothy river. -S