Rambling Thoughts on Washington

Last night I joined Dianne for dinner with some of her collegues and people who were in town to lobby for the beef industry. They were from all over, cattlemen and women from Iowa, New Mexico, even Georgia. I really enjoyed it. We've been a bit low on funds since the move, so it was really great to go to a very nice dinner on someone else's dime. But it also made me realize how much I've been missing social interaction here. Tonight we're driving back through Washington to pick up an aquarium I purchased through Craigslist. (I like Craigslist, it's also also where we found our house.) It's very cold and windy, so I'd doubt we'll visit any of the monuments. Still, there's something really kewl about driving by the brightly lit Capitol Dome on the way anywhere. I can see how Dianne became attached to the town. There isn't anywhere like it. -Shawn
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